I read for 12 hours everyday- FUTO best graduating student [video]

Henry Anozie, a student of the Federal University of Technology, Owerri (FUTO), who graduated as the best graduating student with a 4.93 CGPA in Mathematics said he gave hours to research, projects and studies to achieve that remarkable feat. He further pointed out that his motivation came from his family background and his father’s carpentry work.

Anozie made this known during an interview at the FUTO 34th and 35th combined convocation ceremony, which held on Saturday, 2nd December.

The Valedictorian said during his time in school, he devoted 70%of his attention on academics and 30% on other social activities. He pointed out that he stayed focused throughout his days in FUTO because he had a clear vision of what he wanted to achieve irrespective of his background.

He said “Firstly, you must understand that God is important in everything you do and secondly, give time to studies, It’s not by miracle, I spent hours in the library. I read every day, a minimum of 12 hours, every single day researching, projects and studies. You have to depend on God and study more.”

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