Niger Republic Cuts Ties with Nigeria After ECOWAS Negotiations Fail

The Niger Republic, led by Gen. Abdourahmane Tchiani’s regime, has severed ties with Nigeria following the failure of Economic Community of West Africa States (ECOWAS) negotiations to reinstate civilian rule.

In response to a seven-day ultimatum by ECOWAS for the return of President Mohamed Bazoum, President Bola Tinubu sent a high-powered delegation led by General Abdulsalami Abubakar (rtd) to meet with the coup leaders.

The delegation only managed to meet with representatives of the junta, leading to the cutting of ties between Niger and Nigeria, Togo, France (its colonizer), and the United States.

“The functions of the extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassadors of the Republic of Niger” to France, Nigeria, Togo, and the United States have been terminated,” one of the putschists stated on national television.

The military junta, led by Tchiani, detained President Bazoum in a palace coup on July 26, 2023, and Tchiani declared himself Head of State.

To resolve the political crisis, ECOWAS dispatched two missions abroad, with General Abubakar’s team mandated to quickly resolve the crisis in Niger.

President Tinubu charged the delegations to engage all stakeholders with a focus on achieving a conclusive and amicable resolution for the sake of African peace and development, without adopting the geopolitical positions of other nations.

After the meeting, General Abdulsalami Abubakar (retd.) stated that the delegation would meet the coup leaders in Niger to present ECOWAS’ demands.

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